Applying GRID Impact’s behavioral research and design process with a partner in Peru.
My role: As a member of the GRID Impact team, lead the behavioral research and design process to identify how to improve health product procurement across the Peruvian health system. This work was conducted in partnership with a Peruvian consulting firm.
Stakeholder interviews: To identify the behavioral bottleneck in the procurement process, we first had to map that process. We conducted stakeholder interviews to understand each step involved in health product procurement. Spoiler: it’s quite a complex process!
Behavioral diagnosis: Once we mapped the process we identified which step imposed the most significant bottleneck. We identified this step by combining what we know from behavioral science with insights from stakeholder interviews.
Design of behaviorally-informed concept: Next, we designed concepts of behavioral interventions. The design of these concepts was informed by previous behavioral science research and adapting strategies that have worked in other contexts to this one.
Iterative concept testing: After designing these initial concepts, we refined concepts with the help of individuals working within the Peruvian health system. Local health system workers provided insights into how they would use our designs in their work. This testing informed what we needed to rework about our initial concepts.
Local partnership: This work was conducted in partnership with a local consulting firm with connections to health system stakeholders; Those relationships facilitated this work.
Details matter: Behavioral designers understand a seemingly small detail could make or break the success of a product. Testing the initial concept in context was crucial to the design of the final behavioral design product.
Calling a friend: The final behavioral design product for this work was created in partnership with designer Elliott Wortham.